These are some pretty cool people that will be hosting an up-and-coming TV show. Reach Magazine TV is a mix between pop culture and religion in my words. The hosts described the purpose of the show as "to "touch one life" with our show and to inspire youth that with God you are capable of Greatness!"
I like the concept of this show, particularly because of the message it provides. I think that we (in general society) get so caught up on material things and peer perceptions that we lose focus on our religion, and our spiritual lives and goals. These are things we should hold precedent to getting the latest clothes, 'chillin' with friends, or going to the hottest parties. One of the main things I am focusing on in my 'O so busy life' is growing in faith and gaining a stronger sense of spirituality. Life is so busy, and I sometimes forget to focus on GOD. Watching this show will help keep me focus on what is really important, while entertaining me with the latest in pop culture (music, celebrity interviews, etc.)!!
The show premiers November 2nd on JCTV. Catch it every Mondays at 7 p.m!
If you would like to hear more about Reach Magazine TV, visit the website:
They were a friendly bunch so I decided to shout them out on my blog. Wish you guys the best of luck in your budding careers!
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